
A wise man once said, "you cannot truly progress and prosper in this life or the one to come without lifting others up along the way" (or something like that). From the founding of Furnish It, Dustin and his wife Caren knew that giving back would be a big part of the business and their activities. From donating hundreds of blankets to people that live in the Andes mountains in subfreezing temperatures with no electricity in adobe huts with thatch roofs to funding business ventures for individuals where economic conditions make it nearly impossible to get ahead; from donating over 1,000 mattresses at orphanages, nursing homes, and shanty slums where many homeless gather for shelter to building a brick home from the ground up for a family in desperate need in the Amazon rainforests, Furnish It has changed the lives of thousands of people in third world countries suffering unimaginable poverty all over the globe. Thank you for being a part of it all by shopping with us and helping contribute to these efforts that literally transform the lives of those we are able to reach. Enjoy a handful of the videos showing what we've been up to: